31-03-2010 11:02
Determination of short-list in the Film competition at the XI KIAF will be held in public

Many participants believe that one of the many features of the advertising festival Golden Drum is a public display of entries (screening) in the Film category. Actually, of course, not only screening is interesting, but the fact that in its process the jury evaluates the works, thus forming the short-list. The action is extremely emotional, intriguing and at the same time instructive. The jury takes the first row in the big cinema-concert hall, usually well filled with agitated contestants. Each member of the jury puts her evaluation to the video immediately after viewing (the jury evaluates the work in binary code - good/bad, that is - in/out, in relation to the short-list). The audience sees an integrated view of the jury - which of the works became a short-list and will continue to participate in the festival, and who departs from the list of potential winners. Positive evaluation of the jury meets the audience applause, and negative - silence, and sometimes a whistle.

Screening not only allows you to immediately recognize the finalists, but also helps to keep track of any trends in the advertising industry of the countries participating in Golden Drum: by category, by country, by agencies. Where the most intense competition is, what is now fashionable to shoot, how the professional audience reacts, how unanimous jury is, or - conversely - how different tastes they have - these, and not only these conclusions everyone who visited the screening are able to make .

We write here about Golden Drum because this year, for the first time in the history of KIAF, there will take place the screening of the works in the Film competition for the jury and audience of the 11-th Kyiv International Advertising Festival!

On May, 26th, the Creative jury will take their seats in the front row of the Red Room of the Kyiv Cinema House and will vote in the Live mode, forming a short list of XI KIAF and choosing the best works. Technical partner of the vote is "Liter", who will provide special voting system that allows to summarize all the evaluations of the jury and the findings of the final result on the big screen for fractions of seconds.

Recall that XI KIAF will be held on May, 26-28, 2010 in the Kyiv Cinema House. Kyiv International Advertising Festival includes 14 contests, which are evaluated by 10 different bodies of jury. Applications for participation in the 11-th KIAF are accepted until April, 23, 2010. The detailed terms of filing and paying for the applications can be found on the official site of the Festival.

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