04-03-2010 10:32
Design academicians will estimate the works in the "Graphic design" nomination on 11th KIAF

The organizational committee of 11th KIAF today declared the judge staff of a new contest of  the festival - contest of the Graphic design. It is the first time on KIAF when along with the estimations of design as important constituent of marketing communications ("Communication design" contest) designers' works will be also estimated from the point of view of design as it is.

Does the art of graphic design coincide with marketing aims or taste of clients? - Not always, let's be frank. But it is so desirable to see more bright, interesting, intriguing works, not tied to certain client brief. Although on the other hand, if the work is really memorized and professional, it certainly must also "splash" in the "Design of advertisings communications" nomination. In general, Festival will place everything into the places.

Real gurus and acknowledged masters of the profession will estimate the works in the "Graphic design" nomination: president of Russian Academy of graphic design Sergey Serov and academician of the same academy Vladimir Chaika, professor the of graphic design department of Kharkiv state design and arts academy Oleg Veklenko. The fourth juryman will be brethren of Kiev-Pecherska Lavra, on obedience of photographer and designer of publishing house of Lavra Hierodeacon Vasiliy (Novikov). In opinion of organizational committee of festival, father's Vasiliy point of view, so to say, "from the other side" in addition to the estimations of the titled and known designers will only give additional weight to the rewards.

So, let's see in more details who will judge the works in the "Graphic design" nomination.

Sergey Serov is a president of the Academy of graphic design (Moscow), leader of Higher academic school of graphic design. In 1974 graduated from the Moscow electrical engineering institute of connection, in 1986- from The Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after Repin I.E. of the Academy of arts of the USSR. The author of 12 monographs and more than 500 articles, organizer of more than 100 exhibitions in the country and abroad. President of Moscow international biennale of placard "Gold bee". Representative of Russia in the International council of associations of graphic design of ICOGRADA and Co-ordinating committee of international biennale of IBCC. Art Critics Association, Union of designers of Russia, Union of designers of Ukraine, international associations of ITC, Friends of ICOGRADA, Alfabugs member, honoured member of Brno Biennale and of the Union of designers of Ukraine.

Vladimir Chaika is a chairman of jury - graphic-designer, vice-president of the Academy of graphic design (Moscow). In 1982 graduated from the Moscow higher artistically-industrial school on speciality "Industrial graphic and packing". Laureate and winner of tens of international awards, prizes and festivals. Organizer of a row of exhibitions and international poster actions. Teacher in Higher academic school of graphic design. Member of Union of artists, Union of designers of Russia, international association AGI (Alliance Graphigue Internationale, president of national group), honoured member of Brno Biennale.

Oleg Veklenko is a president of international triennale of graphic arts and placard "4-th Block", honoured worker of arts of Ukraine, member of the Union of artists of Ukraine, professor the of graphic design department of Kharkiv state design and arts academy. Participant of many national, international exhibitions and competitions. Organizer of a number of the personal exhibitions in Ukraine and Russia and in Europe. Laureate and prizewinner of many awards and festivals, possessor of the Honoured diploma of Council of public rewards of UNO for a contribution to development of graphic design.

Hierodeacon Vasiliy (Novikov) - brethren of Kiev-Pecherska Lavra, on obedience of photographer and designer of publishing house of Lavra. He was born in 1974 in Kharkiv. Before becoming a monk he worked as a designer and art-director. From 2002 - to this day brethren of Kiev-Pecherska Lavra. Engages in a graphic and book design, picture, web-development, PR and advertising. Organizer of exhibition "Iveria- view of orthodox pilgrim" (2007). An exhibition passed within the framework of the XV Christmas reading in Moscow, and also in the embassy of Ukraine in Russia. 


In reply to the request of organizational committee of KIAF to say few words to the participants on behalf of judge - the chairman of judge Chaika quoted the words of the  designer and teacher Victor Papanek:

"Certainly, there are more harmful professions, than industrial design, but their quantity is quite small. And, possibly, only one profession excels it by the degree of cheating - advertising design. To convince people to purchase things they need not, for the money they do not have, to make impression on those, who don't care about them, - today this swindle becames masterly in truth.

Sold by admen industrial design, mixing up all tasteless nonsenses in reckless proportions, firmly retains the second place. Yet never in history of humanity adult people did not seriously engage in planning of electric combs, small box for files, decorated by strasses, and toilet carpets from mink fur, and then did not make the detailed plans of production and sale of these trifles to the millions of consumers".

Having quoted Papanek in the conclusion Chaika asked: Well, will it fit as an epitaph?

Kiev International Advertising Festival consists of 14 contests, which are evaluated by the 10 different jury bodies. This allows to achieve maximum transparency and impartiality of the evaluation. The jury consists of the best and most experienced professionals of the Ukrainian and foreign advertising markets.

The аpplications are accepted until April 23rd, 2010. Detailed terms and conditions of payment can be found here. Note that only till the end of March a special tariff, which gives significant discounts, is possible for the participants.

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